Cyberpunks IRL

What’s happening Cyberpunk?

Cyberpunk Hardware is a group that use bitcoin home server software. We chat, meme, create setup instructions, source, design, hand-make, recycle, test, sell and re-sell tech. We run servers and build decentralized computing networks with open-source apps. Any nym is welcome to contribute to hype, development and logistics.

Bitcoin home servers
No honeypots
De-surveil yourself

Upgrade your cyberlife
Pleb to OG to Unkle Jim
Open Source
Bitcoin home servers
Mesh networking
No honeypots
De-surveil yourself
No slaves
Upgrade your cyberlife

Some things you can get from Cyberpunks



In stock

Passively cooled, stronger and quieter than a Pi5 with more ports for futureproofing.

Compact nodes, relays and firewalls you can sleep with and take everywhere.



In stock

Strong flexible and upgradable cube for “Uncle Jim” and quiet enough to keep “Auntie” happy.

Larger scale nodes, relays and home servers with PCIE for personal AI system etc.


Coming soon

Zillion-core water-cooled with dual NVME and x16 PCIE. For a rack mount megaplex with fibre, and long range wifi mesh connections and serious ambitions.


Cyberpunk peer support and hivemind

Contact cyberpunks through Nostr, or wherever else, and get real one-on-one in-depth digital hand-holding support in the Sphinx chat tribe. Each purchase is carried out by a cyberpunk member you can verify and keep in touch with.

Anyone can contribute to the shared documentation and become a cyberpunk to help others out, develop products and make sats. You can be a boss, grow and guide the community just by getting a Nym and participating with splits, zaps and value for value. ⚡

Nodes: (Get free inbound liquidity when you buy, TBD)

Tor sites: Ghost

Stay up to date with the latest and contribute to the hype.